Parsing Varo Emails
This page is intended to document the contents of Varo emails. As Varo emails change, this page will be updated such that "Current Varo Email Content" reflects the state of Varo that is available in the Google Play Store. Additionally, this page will contain old version email contents.
What changed? Subject line, email body, and EMS data payloads were updated.
Subject Line
The subject line for Varo report emails has been updated to follow the format: {optional emoji} {optional facility name} | { area } | { date of report creation} | { client } | CCE Data { optional manual report }
Here are the three variations you can expect: 📊 Msanusl | Franklin County | 2025-01-13 | Varo | CCE Data 📊 Franklin County | 2025-01-13 | Varo | CCE Data 📊 Msanusl | Franklin County | 2025-01-13 | Varo | CCE Data (Manual Report)
The first and third both have a facility name. The third is a manual report.
The following regular expression can be used to match Varo emails:
^(?:(?P<facility>\w+) \| )?(?P<area>[^|]+) \| (?P<date>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}) \| (?P<origin>[^|]+) \| (?P<data>CCE Data)(?: (?P<manual>\(Manual Report\)))?$
Email Body
The email body is intended for human consumption and is not intended to be machine readable. All data contained in the body can also be found in the Varo-generated .JSON attachment. We recommend extracting information from the that file as opposed to trying to parse information out of the email body.
The email body has been updated to:
📊 VARO REPORT for 2025-01-13
Name: Lopang Healthcare Facility Location: Tennessee, United States, Franklin County Contact Bob Loblaw 14258239483 ✏️ NOTES: --- ❆ EQUIPMENT Appliance: Aucma CFD-50 SDD Logger: Berlinger Logger Serial Number: 160600198264 ⚙️REPORT DETAILS Varo Report ID: 0d2f05e7-01de-440d-a3c9-4722966c466c Report collection date: 2025-01-13 Email Data Version: 5
Email Body Notes:
The "NOTES" section will display "---" if the user did not add any notes.
EMS Data Payloads
Varo will compress the .JSON contents of devices that it believes are adhereing to the PQS EMS data standard. The zip file will follow a naming pattern of:
For example:
The contents of that zip file will contain the following items if they are available on the device and successfully downloaded:
- SYNC file in the root directory - CURRENT_DATA file in the root directory - Most recent DATA file from the DATA_HISTORY directory
The Varo-generated .json, the device's PDF file, and any photos collected during the Varo report creation flow will not be included in the zip; they will remain as attachments.
For versions prior to 1.18, you will find information regarding the Varo email subject, body, and attachments
Email Subject
Prior to version 1.18, the Varo email subject line had two patterns.
The subject line for reports generated from all known devices is: Facility Temperature Report (30DTR Data) In the event that it was a manual report, it would be modified to: Facility Temperature Report (Manual Entry)
Email Body
Below is an example of the email body of a Varo email:
This data was collected at 21-01-2025 23:51 UTC from: Initial GPS coordinates: (42.5304617, -112.148525) +/- 2.15 m Used GPS coordinates: (43.5304617, -112.148525) +/- 2.15 m Facility name: Test Facility Subcounty/ District/ LGA: King County State/ County: Washington Country: United States Facility Manager: Bob Loblaw Facility Manager Phone: 14258239483 Report ID: c6efd561-e9d6-4db9-a148-60e915484e6b The refrigerator unit is: Manufacturer: Aucma Model: CFD-50 AC Device ID: 003e00394630501020363837 Device Manufacturer: Berlinger App Version: 1.17.4(1912182233) Phone Model: SM-A125U1 OS Version: 31 Using True Time: YES Automatic Time Enabled: YES GPS Correction Used: NO Email Data Version: 4
The Varo email contains the following attachments:
- Images taken by the user. - .CSV, .PDF, and .JSON files extracted from the device. - A .JSON file that Varo generated with metadata about the report.